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Our aim

To give you an idea about innovative technologies for no-till treatments and nature-friendly farming.

How we do it

We show "the instruments", with the help of which this could happen, as well as the steps that the farmer should take in order to enter the new age of agriculture.

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Attending BATA AGRA in Stara Zagora 2017

Amazing first presentation of the unique combined seeder, suitable for applying NoTill technology, Direct Seeding, as well as Conventional Seeding.

No Tillage Seeder

The new No Tillage seeder demonstrates its potential, attracting the attention of a group of farmers.

The unique angle slot, demonstrated on our land: Magnificently executed Minimal Soil Disruption by "Angle Slot" in a stubble of corn.

After sawing of peas in a stalk of corn: this is how the seam field looked like. "Zero" Soil Disruption and wonderful execution according to the farmers. Sown area: 1600 acres in 2 days and a half.

No Till with us at Agra 2017.

Expect the current and future NO TILLs with us VIVIAI Ltd. in out NO TILL office on AGRA 22-26.02!

AGRA Fair in Plovdiv, Feb. 22-26, 2017

We will be at AGRA exhibition that will take place between 22nd and 26th of February 2017 in Plovdiv. You are most welcome to visit our NO TILL office, where you can get acquainted with our idea and products.

We are waiting for you!